What Paint to Use in Your Bathroom

When renovating your bathroom, the choice of paint can significantly impact both the appearance and longevity of your walls. With high humidity and frequent temperature shifts, bathrooms require paint that can withstand moisture and prevent mold and mildew. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the best types of paint for bathrooms, balancing durability with your desired aesthetic.

Types of Paint Suitable for Bathrooms:

1. Semi-Gloss and Gloss Finishes:


These finishes are highly recommended for bathrooms due to their ability to repel moisture and their ease of cleaning. Glossy surfaces are less porous than matte finishes, which prevents water absorption and simplifies the removal of condensation droplets without staining.


Glossy finishes highlight imperfections on walls, so proper surface preparation is crucial.

2. Satin Finishes:


If you prefer a slightly less reflective surface, satin finishes can be a great alternative. They handle moisture well and resist mildew, making them ideal for bathroom walls and ceilings.


Satin is easier on the eyes than gloss and still maintains good cleanability.

3. Specialized Bathroom Paints:


Some manufacturers offer paints specifically formulated for bathrooms, featuring anti-microbial additives that resist mold and mildew.


These paints are typically more expensive but offer added protection and peace of mind.

Best Practices for Bathroom Paint Application:

Proper Ventilation: Before starting your painting project, ensure the bathroom is well-ventilated to prevent moisture buildup. Use fans and keep windows open during the painting process and while drying.
Surface Preparation: Clean all wall surfaces thoroughly to remove any traces of mildew or soap scum. Sand smooth any peeling paint or rough edges and apply a primer designed for high-moisture areas.
Application Techniques: Use high-quality brushes and rollers to apply paint evenly. Consider two coats for the best coverage and color richness.


Choosing the right paint for your bathroom not only affects how it looks but also how well it stands up to the steamy conditions of a typical bathroom. With the right finish and proper application, your bathroom’s new paint job will look vibrant and fresh for years to come, with minimal maintenance required.

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